
Cookie statement

Cookie statement

We may use different types of cookies on our website. This concerns the website:

Below we explain what cookies are, what they do and which cookies are used on the Nooteboom website and why.

What do cookies do?

Cookies are small (text) files that place a web page server on your computer, tablet or other electronic device (hereinafter referred to as “computer”). The cookie that is placed on your computer enables the web page server to recognise your computer. A cookie cannot start programmes or spread viruses.

Cookies expire after a certain period of time from the moment they were placed on a computer. When its validity period expires, the cookie will be removed by your browser. For some cookies the duration of the bowser session will be the period of validity, but there are other cookies that remain valid for longer so that they can be read the next time our website is visited. Insofar we use cookies to collect your personal information we process it in accordance with our privacy statement.

Cookies on our website

Via our website we place functional (necessary) cookies, analytical cookies, as well as cookies related to social media options and tracking cookies for offering relevant content.

Functional (necessary) cookies

We use a functional cookie that is needed to make it possible to move around the website. This cookie is only valid for the duration of your browser session. In order to remember your choice to accept or refuse our cookies we have to place a functional cookie (cookieAccepted). This cookie is valid for a maximum period of two years.

These are our own cookies and they can only be read by authorized Nooteboom personnel. Nooteboom do not share the data they gather with third parties, subject to any obligation to do so.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies register how our visitors navigate our website. With this information the use of our website can be analysed. We use this information to improve our website.

To do so we use the service Google Analytics. In that context the provider of this service:  Google Inc. places analytical cookies via our website. Based on the data gathered by these cookies, Google compiles anonymous reports for Nooteboom regarding the use of our website. We have set up the Google Analytics cookies in a ‘privacy-friendly’ way, as recommended by the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch data protection authority). This means we process fewer of your data. For further information about these cookies and their period of validity, please visit the website of Google (link). Google also provides an opt-out option of the data collection in the context of Google Analytics (link). More information about the use of cookies by Google is available here.

Social media cookies

In order to give the visitors of our blog websites the opportunity to share content, we have placed social media buttons on our website.

For the functioning of these buttons social media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google, place cookies so that they are able to recognise you when you are logged in to that social network. They also use them to gather data about the page that you share. For further information about the data gathered by the social media companies we refer to the privacy statements of these companies. These may change regularly.


The cookies related to social media are not placed or read by us but by the social media provider in question. We have limited knowledge of and no control over these cookies. We therefore accept no liability or accountability for these social media cookies or for the way the social media providers in question use the information gathered.

Tracking cookies

With your permission we place cookies on your devices which can be accessed as soon as you visit our websites. When you use our websites we gather (part) of your IP-address, type browser, operating system and application version, language settings, the page via which you landed on our website and the pages of our website that you have visited. We also gather information about the response to email messages. If you visit our website via a mobile device we also gather information about the brand of your mobile device and other specific features of the device.

The profile we build up like this is not linked to your name, address, email address and such like, but is used only to adjust the content so it fits your profile and is as relevant as possible to you.

Rejecting and removing cookies

You can set your browser to not store any cookies, for you to allow or reject each cookie, or for all cookies to be removed when you close the browser. A useful step-by-step plan for managing cookies can be found on the website of ‘de Consumentenbond’ (here).

Cookies are placed on every computer you use to visit websites. If you no longer want to receive any cookies at all you must adjust the settings on all of the computers you use.

Please note, if you reject and/or remove cookies it also affects the strictly necessary cookies. This may restrict the functionality of our website.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the use of cookies.